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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. RetroTheory

    PC ISA 8Bit SCSI Card with integrated "BlueSCSI"

    This was a little personal experiement to see if I could combine the usefulness of BlueSCSI and its HD images with the PC , and have similar HD image capability with old PCs. In the PDF of the NCR 53C400 technical document there was a rough outline for a memory mapped SCSI card that was...
  2. RetroTheory

    LCD modded Compact Mac in CowboyBebop

    Spotted this in episode 2, just thought it was interesting thatLCD mods are still being done in 2071 :)
  3. RetroTheory

    Macintosh Portable Issue - Screeching Noise

    Currently working on a one of these but I am kinda stumped. Its a non backlight model. I have fully recapped it, (every cap was leaking, including the axials) So I can get it to Bong, and will show flashing floppy. The Connor SCSI drive is working, and it can boot, but after booting it emits a...
  4. RetroTheory

    Apple IIGS RGBtoHDMI + Apple Macintosh Monitors

    So I recently got my first IIGS, but I am having no luck finding the monitor for it. I really wanted a CRT on it but none of the Macintosh monitors are compatible. Along comes RGBtoHDMI This can take the Digital RGB signals from the IIGS DAC resistor...