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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Ubik

    VCF SoCal 2025, February 15th & 16th, 2025

    With the 2024 show being so great (nice seeing @Action Retro ), here's a shameless plug for the Vintage Computer Festival SoCal in Orange County, California February 15th & 16th, 2025. It's a great show, and you can pair it up with a trip to nearby Disneyland!
  2. Ubik

    Best Version of REALBasic for SE/30?

    I have some experience with Filemaker, Hypercard, and Director but wanted to try REALBasic to develop apps for late 80's 68k Macs. Does anyone know what version of RealBasic would work best on System 7.1 on an SE/30? @Action Retro I saw you use REALbasic on your Battlestation - any ideas?
  3. Ubik

    Interware Booster Clone 30-SE50F Accelerator

    Just a quick note with results on the new Interware Clone "Booster 30-SE50F" 50Mhz 030 w 68882 FPU accelerator in my SE/30 purchased from zigzagjoe on 68kMLA. Installed in the PDS without issues, requires no software, and performed a bit over twice as fast than stock (based on Speedometer 3)...
  4. Ubik

    Alvvays - Very Online Guy [Official Video]

    Alvvays is "music to retro-compute" and I think you'll see why : )
  5. Ubik

    Cloak and Dagger (1984) a must for 8 bit Atari fans

    Unfortunately, I've never owned any Atari HW (yet), apart from playing on my friend's old beater 2600 as a kid in the 80's and in the 90s owning the awesome but ahead-of-its-time networkable Lynx handheld. I'm under the weather with a flu, so I've been watching a lot of retro films to chill...
  6. Ubik

    Behold the Power - Apple Power Beyond Speed Trade Show Video - 1995

    Hold onto your hairpieces Video is here >> Backstory: Back in the mid 90's my first job out of college involved what was then hyped as the "Multimedia" development revolution. I had the pleasure of meeting various people pivotal in using the Mac and the burgeoning QuickTime technology for...
  7. Ubik

    68k Fun with Filemaker Pro 3 retro development

    FileMaker Pro 3 really served my needs when I could not find any vintage Bible software for my Mac SE running System 6 that would allow full-text search (without taking forever) and function on the 9 inch 1 bit display. Using my SE/30 running System 7.1.1 as my Filemaker Pro 3 development...
  8. Ubik

    Safe way to do a Post-recap Power Supply Smoke Test?

    I'm finishing up recapping my SE/30's power supply. This is not my first re-cap, but my first for a power supply. Is there a way to "smoke test' this without hooking it up to the Mac's analog board? While I will double check all my replacement cap's polarity and values, I'd like to avoid...
  9. Ubik

    System 6 - Flashing Disk Question Mark - Replace System File - fixed

    In hopes of helping others I wanted to post my troubleshooting today . (OK I should be working on 'real" stuff, but the Mac is stress relief ;) On my SuperMac accelerated SE running System 6.0.8 with my Internal SCSI2SD 5.2, the PPP Control Panel crashed the mac on "Soft Close" so that the...