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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. caliban10

    iMac G3 DV 400 with a rainbow display

    I have a lovely new lime iMac G3 but it has a display that needs some work. I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me from these photos what needs to be recapped. Analog board, neck board, downconverter or maybe all 3? Fried flyback? I do have others that I can swap parts with to...
  2. caliban10

    How to test flyback transformer with multimeter?

    Is it possible to test a flyback for a Color Classic using a multimeter without removing it from the analog board? I've replaced most of the caps on the analog board but I'm trying to determine if I should keep going & replace the rest of them or I shouldn't bother because the flyback's dead.
  3. caliban10

    ipad screen supplier

    I need a screen for my ipad pro. I usually order from theperfectpart but they don't have this part right now. Anyone have ios part vendors they recommend? There are hundreds of them on ebay & elsewhere with prices all over the map.
  4. caliban10

    Recap CPU cards?

    Do the PPC CPU daughter cards, such as in the 8500, need recapping? Has anyone revived a dead one by recapping it?
  5. caliban10

    PowerBook 150: name that component

    Could someone be so kind as to identify this component that blew up on one of my PowerBook 150 boards so I can replace it?
  6. caliban10

    iMac G5 revival

    I’ve avoided this like the plague up till now because of how hard they are to recap but my son loves his old CD-ROMs so I thought I’d give it a go: recapping an iMac G5. What’s better for this: hot air or iron at a high temp? Any caps that are more susceptible than others to try first to reduce...