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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. svenvendetta

    Quicktime on an upgraded Mac SE

    I recently put my @MacEffects Performer PDS 68030 Accelerator and am really digging the speed bump (if you haven't gotten one for your SE, go get one!). One challenge I came across was Quicktime support. Since the system now sports an 030 processor I was hopping to run some software that...
  2. svenvendetta

    Apple IIc and Smartport

    Hi folks, probably a noob question but here goes: My modified IIc with ROM4 is pulling an image from a FloppyEMU using smartport slot. However every time it tries to load it say GS/OS requires Apple II GS hardware. I'm pretty sure the images aren't IIGS specific. Anything obvious I might be...
  3. svenvendetta

    Macworld Optical Mouse from 2000

    They gave these away for free at Macworld 2000 in NY at the opening keynote. I worked on the keynote crew for Steve's presentation where they unveiled the G4 cube. It was a long couple of days.
  4. svenvendetta

    Mac Classic II won't start, instead purrs

    I had the logic and analog board re-capped about a year ago. Worked for about 7 months and then started doing this clicking on startup (sound on)... I did have some additional service done to the analog board and it started up fine once, then went back to doing it. Anyone have any ideas of what...
  5. svenvendetta

    Sony Trinitron CPD-1320 next up on the bench

    Doing a little TLC and might be brave enough to mess with the convergence which is a little off but not terrible. This is a really high quality monitor with a great picture. Found it at my moms house stuffed in a closet. It was my monitor in the 90"s connected to my original Macintosh Centris...
  6. svenvendetta

    About to get the MacEffects treatment

    Good project for the holiday weekend. Case replacement and new fan. Will post an update when it's done. Thanks @MacEffects
  7. svenvendetta

    This machine set the bar for home audio digital workstations

    My very first digital recording I made with my band was on a Falcon 030 in the early to mid 90's. We used Cubase, 4 simultaneous audio tracks was possible with an external scsi hard drive and enough memory. We would midi sync up keyboards and external multi-track recorders as well and mix into a...
  8. svenvendetta

    Cool stocking stuffer idea for the Classic Mac Lover

    I just picked up a few of these and I think they usually for $19.99 so it's a deal at $13.99. Great little cradle for your Apple Watch. Happy holidays to all Tinker Differenters!
  9. svenvendetta

    iBook G3 is the teardown from Hell - stripped screw

    I am trying to replace a dead hard drive in iBook G3 with a mSATA and PCI-e converter. I knew what I was getting into from the iFixit guide but there is a screw in the middle bottom cover that I just CANNOT get out of the damn thing. I have tried different types of T wrenches (supposedly it's a...
  10. svenvendetta

    MAC SE FDHD Floppy Cover with activity LED

    I have a MAC SE that was upgraded with an internal hard drive after it was purchased in the late 80s. It had 2 800k drives that had yellow plastic slug discs pictured here to keep them from being used I'd guess. I installed a SCSi2SD and mounted it on a 3D printed bracket (thank you @This Does...