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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. vorg

    Improving the Apple 2C keyboard 1.D? Spring delete

    I recently got an Apple 2c and it has what appears to be the “bad” keyboard. I think it’s the 1.D on Deskthourity. It appears this is the less desirable keyboard and I can confirm it feels awful. I watched a bunch of reviews on cleaning the thing and any with this keyboard described it as...
  2. vorg

    [Mac Plus, RASCSI] How do I boot the OS from a virtual hard drive on RASCSI without a working Mac?

    [I hope this is the correct sub forum] Hi all, If you've seen my posts, you'll know I have a Mac Plus 1mb I'd like to get working. The floppy drive seems busted. In the meantime, I got a RASCSI in hopes of running the OS off of it. Unfortunately every guide I've found to boot from it...
  3. vorg

    Macintosh "Minus" Case model (STL sized for mm; 5 inch CRT) / Mac Plus "shell" STLs.

    Check my Mac Minus thread to see what the heck this is about, but I finally published the main components of the V2 case:
  4. vorg

    Using parts from an 800k FDD MFD-51W-03 to repair to Mac Plus internal drive?

    Can I switch some components around to make one of these work in my Mac Plus? The left is an 800k FDD MFD-51W-03, and the right is my original drive, which I replaced the ejector gear on, before the shield popped off the read head. It tries to read the floppy for a bit, then it ejects it. I...
  5. vorg

    The Macintosh Minus - pi-powered mini Mac Plus clone with 5" CRT display

    Hi all, I recently picked up a Macintosh Plus and have begun the journey to restore it. While I wait for a keyboard and mouse to arrive, I was inspired to put my unused raspberry pi to use. I've seen miniature Macintosh clones online before; but none have the retro charm of a true CRT...