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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Genjoke

    A2 VGA Pi Pico - Which firmware?

    Hi folks, I got an A2 Pi Pico card that doubles as a VGA card or a CP/M card. I understand this project is open, so there is more than one developer working on it. My problem is that my card won't handle double high-res as it should… A2Desktop looks awful. If I set the card to B&W, then it...
  2. Genjoke

    Newton MessagePad 130 Repair Guide?

    Hi folks, Some time ago, I posted my small collection of Newton MessagePads (actually remnants from the 90s when I really used them) on this thread: I recently came across a lot of Newtons "for parts" and acquired it. I intend to try to...
  3. Genjoke

    Help loading GR, HGR, DGR AND DHGR image files in the Apple II

    Hi folks. Programs to encode modern images into Apple II-savvy formats are not new. Digarok released a nifty utility to do so: Buckshot. I recently came to know about it in a YouTube video by @Javmast3r . The application lets you convert images into 4 modes: Low Resolution Double Low...
  4. Genjoke

    Trying to ressurect a Power Macintosh 9600/350

    Hi fellow tinkerers. I got a packed Power Macintosh 9600/350 with maxed-out RAM, Sonnet accelerator, and many other PCI cards. The only problem is that it won't start!!! It powers up, the power button lights up, the LED in the processor's daughter card blinks, and I hear HD noises but it...
  5. Genjoke

    PowerMac G4 gpu upgrade guide

    Hi Folks. I have 3 powermac G4. I was thinking about upgrading the MDD to a better graphics card. I know ppl usually use PC equivalents flashing them to become Mac compatible. I’ve been searching the net but I could not find a list of the cards that would work on the Mac. Does anyone know of...
  6. Genjoke

    Powerbook 180 ressurection attempts help!

    Hi folks. I got an "as is" Powerbook 180. It was extreamly cheap for Brazilian standards: R$200 what translates today to US$41. I tried to power it on with a 7.5V center positive power supply. Nothing. I noticed a little of a burning plastic smell on the power supply connection. Next step was...
  7. Genjoke

    SE/30 without an Analog Board

    Hi folks. I got an SE/30 motherboard. I already had an SE case. I'm planning on putting it together with a Pico-PSU (+ -5V adapter board), blue-SCSI and an LCD display. I know the J12 connector on the motherboard receives power and outputs video signals. Questions: Do anyone know of a...
  8. Genjoke

    Vintage Mac Big Boxes scans/reproductions?

    Hi folks. I Just watched a You Tube video by @gruz where he shows some of his big box vintage mac games. The life of a vintage mac user, and now collector, outside US/Europe/Japan has never been easy, as we had to rely on imports (sometimes illigal imports) to buy anything mac related. Big...
  9. Genjoke

    Do 3.5" drives benefit from recaping?

    Hi folks. I got my old Classic and a newly aquired Classic II up for restauration. ✔ Both motherboards are working fine after recaping ✔ One analog board is working after recaping (the other one needs more work) ✔ Internal blue scsi on both ✔ succesfully printed (after almost giving up twice)...
  10. Genjoke

    Help identifying burnt resistor on Classic II analog board.

    Hi folks. I am still trying to bring a Mac Classic II back to life. Now I'm working on the analog board. I found a serious cap leakage "scar" on the poor thing. I cleaned it the maximum I could, with IPA and a lot of the green soldering mask around the affected area peeled off. I turned my...
  11. Genjoke

    Help with gone wrong recapping attempt.

    I come here to ask the favors of the recapping deities... In my first attempt to make a recap of my ORIGINAL mac classic from back in the day, I destroyed some of the capacitors' pads while removing the old caps. I suppose I can bodge wire the caps to the points shown below... Two...
  12. Genjoke

    Apple II clone cards gerbers?

    Hi Apple II folks. Are there open source/free Gerber files for Apple II cards? I’m particularly looking for mouse card, sound card and the RAMWORKS “overboard” (dunno if that’s the term in English, it’s the small board that plugs onto the RAMWORKS adding +512K). Thanks ☺
  13. Genjoke

    ADC to DVI (or VGA) adapter

    This weekend I’ve put together my first PCB: It's a ADC to DVI adapter. It works very well. I just didn't test the USB pass through 'cause I bought the wrong part (connector). I used an old IBook 24V charger to power it. The creator’s website: This was...
  14. Genjoke

    Apple //e (clone) won't see the 80col/RAMWorks Card

    Hi folks. I grew up with an Apple //e clone that I used from 1985 to 1994! Unfortunatelly I got rid of it back then. As I am getting old and nostalgia is hitting hard, I decided to rebuild my childhood system. I got the very same clone and I am now adding everything I had on my old one. I got...
  15. Genjoke

    Member Bio - Angelo Malaquias (Genjoke)

    Brazilian biomedical resercher/professor. I was introduced to computers in 1984 (aged 13) when I got a //e clone for Xmas. I've been a mac user since then. As a hoarder that I am I kept almost every Mac I owned since then. Now, with the retrocomputing scene getting cool I decided to revive my...