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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. alex_santos

    How I Fixed a Pulled 2-Pin JST Connector for Thermal Sensors on My Mac Mini (2010) and Resolved the Full-Speed Fan Issue

    Hello vintage mac mini user: While working on my Mac Mini (2010), I accidentally pulled the wires out of two of the three 2-pin JST connectors that lead to thermal sensors for the hard drive(s) or optical drive(s) (depending on the Mac Mini model you have). Instead of the connector properly...
  2. alex_santos

    Newton as a http web server - any advice?

    Hi guys Can one of you recommend a solid webpage that outlines what is necessary to get a Newton 2100 setup to act as an http web server over ethernet. I have all the required hardware adapter. Could be a fun little project. Thanks in advance. -Alex
  3. alex_santos

    Kapton tape and soldering

    Today I was watching a really interesting video on extreme engineering. The heat shield used on the James Webb is primarily based on kapton tape because it delivers on the requirements related to heat reduction, a must which prevents infrared light from bleeding out to the sensor use by Webb...
  4. alex_santos

    Upgrading from HDD to SSD - how to migrate data?

    Hello So I have a titanium PB G4. I just purchased an SSD and plan on doing the drive swap soon but before I do I am a little lost on how I image (backup) the data on the original HDD and transfer it to the SSD. On OS X I would do a time machine backup and then use Migration assistant to move...
  5. alex_santos

    PowerBook G3 - Repainted, looks beautiful

    I found a really great article (in Japanese) The article goes through repainting the Powerbook G3 and the results as shown in the photos look spectacular. I think this page is so important and the info as well that I have thrown it on the waybackmachine...
  6. alex_santos

    Use of Google Workspace

    Hi Thanks for putting this forum together! Looks like the idea below may be applicable if Tinkerdifferent is considered as a non-profit by google., I went...
  7. alex_santos


    I was wondering where I should start with this, or how to ask but here it is, and yes there is a lot of very good information on youtube on Proxmox, a free Linus OS whose sole existence is to install VM and containers. I don't know much about it yet as I literally discovered it a few days ago...