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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. XodiumLabs

    Project Satanicube (or, Xodium's G4 Cube Build)

    This is something that has been almost two years in the making. VCF West 2023. I was there with my table o' Macs, the SATA-equipped 9600 and Blue and White G3 in tow. My good friend brought his SE/30 and G4 Cube. Not sure what triggered it, but I came away from this VCF mega wanting a Cube...
  2. XodiumLabs

    The Windows 98 Tualatin Build...with SATA, of course (and how I did it)

    Right, been meaning to document this. The Premise To keep it simple, three things aligned to make this all happen. 1. I wanted to play some SimCity 2000, with cheats, and the Mac OS version's cheats suck. 2. I had recently been to a local's house and acquired some 98-era video cards that I...
  3. XodiumLabs

    Trying to figure out a thermal solution for the GeForce 3 in the Cube

    So, as luck would have it, I managed to stumble into a real, in the flesh GeForce 3 for the Cube. While my Cube has a GF6200 in it, been on the look out for an OS9 card because that's the OS I generally want to use on the Cube. The only issue I've had is that of thermals. I've googled, even...
  4. XodiumLabs

    Bringing 9.x extensions back to 8.6 (including Radeon 9200 drivers!)

    I forget who told me this, but I gotta thank the person who told me that 9.x is just 8.6 but with OS X junk. To put it simply, the .sit file attached contains a few things that are nice to have assuming you have the hardware, because the OS 8.6 installer either doesn't have these things, or...
  5. XodiumLabs

    Radeon 7000 and 7.6.1 issues (Code fragment could not be prepared)

    Wondering if anyone has any experience with this because I'm hitting a brick wall. Not sure if this Radeon 7000 is retail or not, but it does have the DVI and S-Video ports on board (and I used to have one that was JUST VGA). I'm trying to get 7.6.1 working on my 9600/300, and the one thing I'm...
  6. XodiumLabs

    Documenting an Interware Booster G3 (Now with driver attached!)

    Just posting this stuff before I forget since it seems like relatively little is known about this card. I plan on getting the drivers and cross posting them as well so we have our own copy as I had to search a bit to find the thread with the right drivers (Booster v1.2.2) Anyway, photos along...
  7. XodiumLabs

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    If you're coming to this thread to ask "where do I buy these dang cards?", they can be bought here. (Thanks, Eric!) WARNING: I've been hearing from people who have ordered cards that the EEPROMs have been changed out with ones that are INCOMPATIBLE with the OS 9 flasher. You might be able to...
  8. XodiumLabs

    DIP Switch settings for a NewerTech MaxPowr G4 CPU (for beige G3/G3 BW/Yikes G4)

    Originally this topic was about how I couldn't get my G4 upgrade card working in a B/W G3. Initially, I thought something weird was going on with the board revision and such, but discovered (thanks, dosdude1) that the switches on the card weren't set right, and the card was trying to run...
  9. XodiumLabs

    ModBook Install Disc archived

    Hi all, Wanted to share that I've archived (on, I've tried to upload to Macintosh Garden but can't, the uploader just gets stuck) a OS X install disc intended for the Axiotron Modbook. I had one in my care a few years ago and it had one disc with it, there might be another. I am...
  10. XodiumLabs

    Power Mac 4400 with Rage 128 and Mac OS 8.1 - is it possible?

    So, in an effort to have a bit of fun I pilfered the Rage 128 out of my G3 B/W to see how ridiculous I could make my 4400. The only problem is...despite some things being "better" (I can do millions of colors at 1024x768 now!) unfortunately...everything else is lackluster. Finder redraws windows...
  11. XodiumLabs

    The Power Mac 4400 RAM thread

    This was previously a question thread, however upon experimenting myself I wanted to update with my findings. First, the big one: Does refresh rate matter? Yes, yes it does, but not from a "will it even work" perspective. Refresh rates below 2K are fully addressable by the 4400, but 4K? The...
  12. XodiumLabs

    In tech stuff, what's a little thing that just...bothers you more than it should?

    So it goes, this is inspired by some goings on with my M1 MacBook, but before I launch into that, let me explain what I'm asking: To put it simply, say an update was pushed to an app you use that moves something in a very subtle way. Or a new revision of some hardware you use was released that's...
  13. XodiumLabs

    My Quicksilver 01 seems to flip its lid sometimes with 16:9 resolutions

    Wondering if anyone has a fix for this, because I really wanted to keep it on 10.3.9 but I had to upgrade it to 10.4 to escape this issue. I was playing Alice under 10.3.9 with my GeForce 4 Ti 4600 (shouts to Justin Morgan for hooking me up with that, btw) and it worked stupidly great under...
  14. XodiumLabs

    2.0.1 Firmware for iPod (3rd Generation)

    This took a little bit of googling, so I wanted to reupload it here so we have our own copy of it just in case, seeing as there was once a time it looks when the software was harder to find. What is it? This updater allows you to update/restore a third generation iPod (the one with the light...
  15. XodiumLabs

    Member bio - Xodium

    First off, the username: It was dreamed up when I was mashing random words together way back in 2008 because I guess someone didn't like my Xbox Live gamertag and I had to change it, and wanted something unique, and exxodium is what I came up with. (And to this day, that's STILL my gamertag.)...
  16. XodiumLabs

    Hey you! Wanna get into iPods?

    Figured this would be a good thing to kick this section off, no? Maybe you've watched DankPods, or maybe you've found an old iPod and find yourself wanting to mess around with them more, because even though Apple considers them "obsolete" they're still stupidly useful even today (and still...
  17. XodiumLabs

    What are your vintage grail items?

    Grail in this case meaning (for the uninitiated) an item that you've wanted for a while, but haven't been able to acquire (either due to timing, or it being so rare, etc.) Curious as to what your deepest vintage computing desires are. At least for myself, I kinda have 3, all vintage Macs, and...
  18. XodiumLabs

    The Pallet o' Macs (an older tale)

    I will never, ever, EVER top this score. Ever. Also, if the person we picked the Macs up from is out there, say hi! The time: 2017. I'm in a group chat with some friends and mutuals, one of which who lives about 30 minutes away from me. Also in there is dosdude1. Yes, *that* dosdude1. I name...