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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Patrick

    retro mac sighting

    So apple had their event. New phone, watch. blah blah blah. thats not exciting. what is exciting is the Mac SE/30 they had in the background for the iphone pro segment. it MIGHT be a SE. its pretty blurry too me. but it still looks like the se/30 front. ... unlike prior apple events. i...
  2. Patrick

    Kansasfest 202/// July 18–23, 2023 I'll be there. first time post pandemic for me.. there is also a virtual event after the physical event.
  3. Patrick

    Japanese vending machines

    Old vending machines. taging @Kay K.M.Mods and @JDW as the two people I know in Japan. I thought this was neat. They have some vending machines that are from the 80s. And heat food using ovens or something.
  4. Patrick

    vision pro ... i figure if i can put away $350/month. by the time it comes out i could afford it! ... ... I don't think i can make room in my budget for that.....
  5. Patrick

    live auction "the apples" at Julien's live Anybody else following this auction? title is THE APPLES (#3367) but i saw some Pets and not apples on there. i got kinda carried away bidding on some things. so i'm hoping i'll be outbid on some of them. lol.
  6. Patrick

    Youtube essay: Why these two Steve Jobs biopics are not the same

    Which talks about two specific Steve Jobs films that came out right after he died. the Michael Fassbender one and the Ashton Kutcher one. It made me think differently about both films... ... I still don't like Seth Rogen's portrayal of Steve Wozniak.
  7. Patrick

    diskhero : new game for Apple III

    diskhero github. (with link to where one can play in browser) New game for Apple III Paul Hagstrom made for kfest presentation. Whats cool about it is the Apple III is basically an unknown computer with nothing documented for how it works. (apple didn't seem to really provide any...
  8. Patrick

    HDD Clicker

    one thing i found i missed when using a ssd hard drive was the sound of the hard drive. HDD Clicker Somebody made a sound thingie to recreate the hard drives. It mostly just clicks. I don't know. I don't think it sounds like the hard drive i remember from my Mac SE. but maybe ? At least it...
  9. Patrick

    Mac SE with radius

    recent ebay find The radius card is what made me pull the trigger. Hard drive light goes but thats it. It also has the most horrandis noise i've ever heard. I don't know if it's the hard drive or the fan. So this guy is gonna need some 💕 Other then being dirty it seems to be pretty good shape...
  10. Patrick

    Apple Interview (1995) John Calhoun (glider fame)

    found a interesting blog post from the guy who wrote Glider. he talked about interviewing with Apple in 1995 and now he still works there. Apple Interview (1995) At the bottom there is a picture and i spot a clear SE case @MacEffects (its behind him so he's covering up most of it) edit...
  11. Patrick

    list of build your own cpu boards

    maybe as practice or to tinker with different CPU's. Build little CPU project boards.
  12. Patrick

    ROM-inator 1

    EDIT: incase people are like ROM-inWHAT ROM-INATOR at big mess o wire's now being sold via Kay So i watched @JDW video on the Rom-inator . and because i'm impulsive and at the time there was no kit to buy. I decided to just try my hand at buying all the things. (also was thinking about doing...
  13. Patrick

    Mac Plus with Brainstorm accelerator doesn't like system 7

    I have a Mac Plus that has been upgraded with a brainstorm accelerator. Which I understands doubles not just the CPU but the bus also from 8mhz to 16mhz. I have recapped the board but experienced this .. odd problem before I recapped it. It boots off of the scsi2sd and floppy emu just fine...
  14. Patrick

    No sound on Mac 128k

    Picked up a 128k recently. Had a sad Mac that indicated bad ram. Not understanding the address correctly I decided to replace 8 Ram chips. After that, I then realized that the error code was indicating 2 ram chips were dead. So I replaced just those 2 (totaling 10 ram chips replaced) and the Mac...