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  1. G

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    YES of course. I will write you a priv message.
  2. G

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    I found LAG chip on my Logic Board that failed. Do you know any replacement and where to get it?
  3. G

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    No. Only to the chasis. I got Spark.
  4. G

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    Do you have any tips how to check Flyback transformer (T1)? I cannot see +30V from L4 nor +30V from 8 pin of T1, so don't know what is the cause of this.
  5. G

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    Hello, thank you. I will try to check it. From my first checks I cannot see +30V from L4 nor +30V from 8 pin of T1.
  6. G

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    Hi Everyone, The same think happened to me (after discharge). I was not using 10 meg resistor.. I am investigating the board. Do you have any measurements of the voltage that goes to the T1 flyback pins (1-8). I measured them all and I cannot see -12 V and I cannot see -12V on 9 pin of J2...