Search results

  1. Jason Heiser

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    I gave the DaynaPORT emulation another shot this afternoon, and this time it worked! Switching from “EtherTalk (A)” to “Ethernet Alternative” in the Control Panel for MacTCP made the difference. That said, I swear I tried this setting before! Maybe the BlueSCSI had trouble joining my home...
  2. Jason Heiser

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    I’m striking out with getting this to work on a BlueSCSI v2 (freshly bought from Joe’s Computer Museum) in conjunction with a 2.5MB Mac Plus running System 6.0.8. The first problem I encountered was a fatal address error that halted booting at the “Welcome to Macintosh” screen. I think this...
  3. Jason Heiser - Browse resource forks online!

    The most interesting parts of the MacVenture games (sounds, graphics, in-game text) are stored in a proprietary format in the data fork. If you want to look at them, check out Sean Kasun’s WebVenture. One of the files (inspect.html) lets you explore and examine these game assets.
  4. Jason Heiser

    ThinkC [Study Group A - GameDevTrack] - Time Measurements

    I’ve been slowly winding my way to the point of making something fun and interesting for early Macs. I share some of the same goals you do: fast, flicker-free animation and synchronized audio. The challenge I’ve given myself: do it in assembly for maximal optimization. I want to move as many of...