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  1. Jess-b

    Macs and Museums. How would you display them, and which models should be there.

    Oh to be clear, I was really annoyed at museum of illusion. its everything I don’t want to be. :). i have big plans, but plans are like the weather, liable to change at a moments notice. For now, I’m working on things like a prototype website and filling out my collection ready for the public...
  2. Jess-b

    Macs and Museums. How would you display them, and which models should be there.

    That’s awesome. So you guys have helped a lot. I’ve got a better idea of where I need to look in terms of Mac models to pick up (the Apple II is a tough find here in Austria, but I have seen a few). And I’m also more certain about the approach I want to take in regard to how best to present old...
  3. Jess-b

    Macs and Museums. How would you display them, and which models should be there.

    Thanks for the reply. The museum‘s basic theme is to ‘Replay, rediscover and reconnect’. So a place for people, families to come and not just see they’re first computer on display, but to be able to see it in a period setting, and be able sit down and use them. I’d love for parents To share...
  4. Jess-b

    Macs and Museums. How would you display them, and which models should be there.

    Watching it now. That is one beautiful set up.
  5. Jess-b

    Macs and Museums. How would you display them, and which models should be there.

    I think this is what I’m struggling with regarding Apple. I didn't grow up using Apple machines, though I can’t do my main job without them. So I don’t have the experience of working on an Apple II, or using systems 6, 7 or 8. Maybe it’s a complicated story to tell? But I want to tell a story...
  6. Jess-b

    Macs and Museums. How would you display them, and which models should be there.

    Hey everyone, Firstly, Mods if this thread is in the wrong place, please pop it where it should be. So let’s start with a quick explanation of why I’m asking the question. The short version. I live in Austria, we have no real home/retro computer museum, I have a collection and want to share...
  7. Jess-b

    iMac G4 Appreciation Thread

    Yup. he claimed it had just ‘stopped working’. When I got the machine home, I booted it up and found a copy of Apple’s hardware test in the cd drive. I grabbed a copy of tiger on CD and ran disk utility. Sure enough the drive was formatted NTFS. One quick reformat later and Linzey is alive and well.
  8. Jess-b

    iMac G4 Appreciation Thread

    This Is Linzey. She's my 700 MHz G4. She was the second machine I bought to add to my then fledgling Mac collection. She was also the first machine that needed repair. I got her for €80 and all that was wrong was that someone had tried to install windows on there! a little disk utility fun...
  9. Jess-b

    Servus from Vienna

    Hi Kai, Thanks for the welcome, and I’ll head over to discord and check it out. In the meantime, I’ll be checking out the forum here for a few tips on my stubborn Mac Classic. :)
  10. Jess-b

    Servus from Vienna

    Hey Everyone, So my name is Jess, A Welsh Girl living in Austria with a great wife and a currently grumpy parrot called Geri ( he doesn‘t like winter) I got my first computer around 1984 I think, a Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k, and the rest is history. My dad noticed my interest in computers in...