Are you asking about a wifi network adapter for a 68k Mac? If so, check out the PiSCSI as it emulates an ethernet card using a Raspberry Pi's wired or wireless networking.
Compiling with 68020 instructions was indeed the problem. Thank you! Appreciate you all being so patient with this n00b :) Reading some of the other comments in the threads makes me realize just how much of a programmer I AM NOT! But it's still fun to learn.
I have tried running it from within THINK C with the same results. I have Macsbug on my 6.0.8 image which also crashes the same way. I still need to get it installed to my 7.5.5 image though so I'll do that later today.
I'm trying to understand why the Mondrian app fails to run on a Mac SE but works on the emulated Mac II? Here's what I get:
Mac SE crash:
Mac II success:
(See attached "Mondrian.c.txt")
This was me copying/pasting code I was trying to troubleshoot with. The screenshot is of the program running without that line commented out. I pasted in the wrong code here.
I just learned about this & am excited to jump in (albeit quite late!) to learn some C in a fun way! I'm developing in Mini vMac on a MacII w/ 8MB RAM running System 7.5.5 w/ THINK C v5.0. I've gone through the "ShowPICT" example in Chapter 2 but it breaks in a weird way that I don't...