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  1. RickLawson

    ThinkC Printing from minivmac

    Interestingly found that postscript generation was very slow using laserwriter 7 driver but super fast with laserwriter 8 driver
  2. RickLawson

    ThinkC Printing from minivmac

    Yeah it does - see example below when I printed to postcript file from macwrite %%Trailer cd end %%Pages: 1 0 %%EOF
  3. RickLawson

    ThinkC Printing from minivmac

    I’ll see if postscript has an EOF marker and if not will have to fall back on watching for file size to quit changing
  4. RickLawson

    ThinkC Printing from minivmac

    Ok, I have an idea for an easier way to print from minivmac. Using some python code to monitor a folder inside the minivmac image for postscript files and when it detects one it prints it using your host computer and then deletes it This idea came to me all based on the excellent machfs module...
  5. RickLawson

    ThinkC Extracting source code files so I can save in github

    Ok checked in some python scripts at Used them to sync up my C code from minivmac and everything seems to be formatted nicely Suggestions and merge requests welcome!
  6. RickLawson

    The NABU computer

    I wish someone would come across this many new in box classic macs!
  7. RickLawson

    ThinkC Extracting source code files so I can save in github

    Ok yeah I found this which should allow me to script up what I need to do I'll post it here when done In my case I'll have a config file that takes mappings from src folder on the minivmac volume and destination folder on my workstation and will export...
  8. RickLawson

    ThinkC Extracting source code files so I can save in github

    Has anyone found a reasonable way to extract their C source code from minivmac so that it's easy to push to github with normal line endings? I found this project (which is Java) that allows me to explore and extract files from a mini vmac dsk image I was...
  9. RickLawson

    ThinkC Widget sets for classic mac development?

    Ok so enjoying the thinkc study group but something occurred to me. The widgets for dialogs is a very paltry set and then you just have to draw everything and respond to low level events on your main window. Naturally I sez to myself, where are the pre-built widgets that you can drop into a...
  10. RickLawson

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Also I relearned this the hard way :) Yes, you can assign one instance of a struct to another using a simple assignment statement. In the case of non-pointer or non pointer containing struct members, assignment means copy.
  11. RickLawson

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Ok finished up the samples. That was a hoot. Onto the next chapter!
  12. RickLawson

    Hello, TinkerDifferent!

    Really enjoyed your blog!
  13. RickLawson

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Great explanation - thanks!
  14. RickLawson

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Question - so I've done a couple examples - draw HelloWorld and Mondrian. One thing I noticed is there are no imports. Does ThinkC automatically add mac imports for you? I was expecting stuff like import "quickdraw.h" at the top of the samples?
  15. RickLawson

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    Ok gotcha - I see the other chapter threads - missed that at first. Got minivmac going with thinkc installed and hello world running. Miss syntax colorizing so I need to go install that popfunc add on. I used to do C in vi on an HPUX via VT220 terminal but now I am spoiled :)
  16. RickLawson

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    Hi are folks still working on this thread? I am getting my dev env setup but wasn't sure if this was where to post when I start coding?