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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. wottle

    What are Modern Monitor/ Video Adapters for Old Macs?

    I have heard this version (590-0322-A) of the adapter allows you to use a IIgs video output with the Extron (more info here: ) Any chance you could map out the pins on the adapter so I can try to make my own adapter?
  2. wottle

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    So, I've finally turned on my outside water again, and the process of washing individually in the bath tub wasn't working for a variety of reasons, so I decided to give the pressure washer a try. Surely a high powered stream of water would get rid of all the surface dirt and get me a good...
  3. wottle

    PowerBook 1xx USB-C PD Adapter

    Sure. They’re relatively quick to assemble. DM me and we can hash out the details and I can get the resin cases ordered and any parts I don’t already have on hand.
  4. wottle

    PowerBook 1xx USB-C PD Adapter

    The 180 requires a buck converter to knock the voltage down to 7.5v, but I've used 20v adapters with my g4 and G3s with no issues, so you could get those a bit cheaper since they just require the USB trigger board. I think the USB trigger boards are ~$3 each, the cables are a usually $3 or so...
  5. wottle

    PowerBook 1xx USB-C PD Adapter

    These adapters don't have any current limiter, so I wouldn't use it with a portable unless you are using @Androda 's awesome Portable Battery Eliminator. That will prevent it from pulling too many amps. The original portable chargers need to be limited to 1.5A. Someone not sure if there's a...
  6. wottle

    Apple Lisa Mouse A9M0050 - Replacement Shell

    I received the resin print of my adapted version shown above, which was designed to accommodate the variant of the A9M0050 mouse that has a slightly larger PCB and it seems like it will work fine for both versions. I say "seems" because I can't be sure because I technically cut up the PCB on my...
  7. wottle

    iMac G4 Dies

    Looks like your link got truncated.
  8. wottle

    PowerBook 1xx USB-C PD Adapter

    Which ones would you need? I think I have parts to make some more. I've also started using resin prints from JLC3DP and the finish is nearly professional level. Certainly better than what I can produce with my poorly tuned Ender. I went with the closest without going over for my...
  9. wottle

    SE/30 with jail bars

    Yeah, my chip didn't look too bad but when I removed it, the legs fell off at the base, making me think the corrosion was worse inside than what I could see. The good news is they are cheap and easily available.
  10. wottle

    SE/30 with jail bars

    First, I'd recommend changing the title of the post to give people an idea of what you are looking for help with. I saw you post and went to look into my notes to get help, and when I came back, I initially couldn't find you post because the title "Just count on it" didn't provide me context...
  11. wottle

    ProFile Drive Emulator for Lisa?

    Surprisingly, it is not possible to do. I was able to use a Gerber to SVG online tool to make an SVG, and import it into TinkerCAD, but the scale wasn't preserved, so I had to scale it in a way that looked roughly correct. I made a DIY version of your PCB with holes by drilling my own, and it...
  12. wottle

    ProFile Drive Emulator for Lisa?

    Interesting. I didn't think that to try the reboot with the disk image loaded. I always would reset the ESprofile to get back to the selector image. But I'm glad it's not only me, and that there is an easy workaround. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I know I still owe...
  13. wottle

    ProFile Drive Emulator for Lisa?

    So I spent some time this morning with it. I created a new 5MB blank disk image. I then used my FloppyEmu to perform a fresh LisaOS 3.1 install. And it worked great. I installed all the apps. However, when I reset the ESProfile and select the newly created and freshly installed LOS3.1 image...
  14. wottle

    G3 AIO Molar Mac No Chime No Light Yes Fan after cleaning PSU

    I have what I suspect is a bad PSU with one of my Molar Macs. Not sure the state of the analog board / flyback, but I need to disassemble it again to dig in. I'd love some more info on these to troubleshoot the power supply. Where did you measure the 12/5v voltages?
  15. wottle

    ProFile Drive Emulator for Lisa?

    I still haven't had a chance to try a clean instal to a new image from floppies. I'll test that out this weekend. Is there a way to check the ROM on the parallel card? Worst case if it does turn out to be a difference in parallel interface card ROMs, and you need one to test, I'm just up...
  16. wottle

    ProFile Drive Emulator for Lisa?

    I've had some discussions with the creator of the ESProfile (@AlexTheCat123 ) and it seems there was a potential issue with speeds when using the external version with the parallel interface card. I tried the new firmware and I still get an issue booting the external one from my Lisa. the...
  17. wottle

    The black Mac no one asked for (Powermac G3 All-In-One Molar)

    I also wondered if you could make it more transparent with some sort of solvent. Might be cool to go more clear.
  18. wottle

    The black Mac no one asked for (Powermac G3 All-In-One Molar)

    I wondered about this as well, but was too nervous to try. Let me know if you do it. My translucent area was yellowed, but it stands out less against the black than I thought, so I left it. But bondi blue might be pretty cool.
  19. wottle

    Need solution for HDI-45 to DB-15 connectors for video out

    I expect the profits to be easily distributed with pennies (maybe even quarters). If you want your payout in the form of a produced adapter, send me the address and I would gladly whip you a couple adapters for you help! I've gotten pretty good at assembly and I bought the PCBs in bulk, so I...
  20. wottle

    Need solution for HDI-45 to DB-15 connectors for video out

    OK, the first "professionally" printed cases came back from JLC3DP and they fit really well. I was worried that variations in my printer and small tolerances of the parts may mean that my 3d models work well only on my 3d printer with the filament I use. But, the resin prints from JLC3DP...