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  1. 2112st

    Odd Problem with My iMac Power Button (27", 2011)

    So, this has been a problem that's been happening occasionally, but I'm not sure if it's getting worse or not. I have a 27" 2011 iMac. I sometimes have to press the power button a couple of times before it turns on. Could the power switch be failing?
  2. 2112st

    OMG, What A Bargain!! 😱

    $16K for a box of brittle plastic... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... :unsure:
  3. 2112st

    OMG, What A Bargain!! 😱

  4. 2112st

    Death Of The Cheap Used Computer?

    Interesting video. The curse of obsolescence...
  5. 2112st

    Microsoft Ice Cream

    More! :eek:
  6. 2112st

    Microsoft Ice Cream

  7. 2112st

    Query: How To View Backed-Up Gmails In Sequoia?

    Just came across this bug...
  8. 2112st

    Query: How To View Backed-Up Gmails In Sequoia?

    Hey folks-so, I did a massive purge of my Gmail account just now. Prior to that, I backed up my emails. Using this video, I was able to set something up on my 2011 27" Intel iMac to view my backed-up Gmails, using Thunderbird. However, i would also like to be able to view my emails on my M3...
  9. 2112st

    Query: G5 iMac & Their Troublesome Power Supplies

    So, I own one of these. A tiny bit of history-I bought this from someone a number of years ago for $60. I think the kid who owned it had little experience with Macs. No programs were on the computer. When I opened it up, I was stunned at how CLEAN it was inside! It became my main computer for a...
  10. 2112st

    The Return Of The Commodore 64

  11. 2112st

    Query: Who Here Has Used DaVinci?

    I just installed the free version on the M3. :)
  12. 2112st

    Query: Who Here Has Used DaVinci?

    Hey folks, I'm thinking about downloading the free version of DaVinci for my M3 MacBook Pro (18 gigs RAM, 1TB SSD) I will mostly be doing the type of videos you see below-photography reels put to music. I did this in iMovie (older version on the 2011 27" iMac), but I'm interested in playing...
  13. 2112st

    I Need Advice-Taking A Web Page Layout And Converting It To A Functioning Site

    Thanks for the responses, everyone! :D
  14. 2112st

    The Art Project Thread (I'm Terribly Sorry For All The General Chat Spam!)

    My final Lucy Lawless photo manipulation-all images used here are mine. I was following an Affinity Photo tutorial about text wrapping, then I went beyond the tutorial.
  15. 2112st

    I Need Advice-Taking A Web Page Layout And Converting It To A Functioning Site

    I'm absolutely going to continue using CS6-that feature saved my ass. But let's see if there's something similar out there...
  16. 2112st

    Annoying BlueTooth Issue With My iPod

    Ya know-this shouldn't be an issue, and it sucks that you've run into this roadblock. For something as simple as using headphones, this shouldn't be an problem. :(
  17. 2112st

    I Need Advice-Taking A Web Page Layout And Converting It To A Functioning Site

    Hey folks, I've had my M3 MacBook Pro for two months now, and it's been a joy. As I may have indicated elsewhere, I decided to go with Affinity software instead of Adobe because I didn't want to deal with a subscription service. I wanted to actually OWN the software. Now, I need to figure...
  18. 2112st

    Annoying BlueTooth Issue With My iPod

    It was actually very simple. Here's the screengrab: