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  1. J

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    I appreciate the encouragement but the EEPROM on my cards requires 12V to flash and as such can't be flashed on the card. For anyone else struggling with this, removing the EEPROM and flashing in a programmer did work just fine and my card is now booting a Dual G4/500 without any trouble and...
  2. J

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    I've bought two batches of the Sil3112 cards from Aliexpress and have had zero luck with flashing them. I've tried flashing in both a Mac (Dual G4/500) and a DOS PC. When I try and flash them on a Mac, the interface freezes when I try and update the firmware and when I try via DOS, it tells me...