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    Global Newton Users Meetup #15

    Ill enjoy to know . THanks
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    MDD Power Supply Recap Success

    really interested in the recaps ! I Just been exploring my duodoc power suppiy unit as I have about 6 these units . and persistent power supply failures . Lucky I came across this site in my search for answers cause I did suspect the caps to be the offenders in older items . Electrolytcs are...
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    The MessagePad 2100 joins the quarter century club

    My 2100 is not used much. . It probably quite valuable now like many older things. cause the 130 still suffices and is slightly more portable . So its well made ! Great for all my passwords etc ... . Although it's lost that nice green color screen . I had a 4 meg card which was great for back...
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    Global Newton Users Meetup #15

    pity I missed the Newton meeting . I just joined today here . Hope I can zoom the next one ..
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    DuoDock Power Supply issue (Un-solved agin)

    hi Perennial problems with the Duodocks is power supply failure. The deadly tick as the motor tries to pull the the computer to the sci connnector. I checked the bulk literature and its seem capacitor c28 100 MF consistently fails. So first replace it. I have 7 DD's . 280cs and 2300 PPC...