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  1. B

    netatalk errors with files on an SBM/CIFS share

    Due to my particular system topology I would like to run netatalk on a different system than where the files are actually located. I was hoping that I could use an SMB/CIFS share on the fileserver which I could then mount to a directory on the netatalk machine and use netatalk to share... No...
  2. B

    Capacitor List for IIci Power Supply

    I have a bunch of IIci's with power supplies that need recapping. Before I tear one open to put together a list, does anyone have a list of caps needed for IIci power supplies? Even better if it is a DigiKey/Mouser cart...
  3. B

    New Apple II Virtual Card Platform?

    I'm toying with the idea of designing a card for the Apple II which is super programmable/flexible with the idea that it could emulate a bunch of other peripherals/cards such as: Disk II, SmartPort/ProDos HDD, Serial, Parallel, Apple II Workstation (EtherTalk w/ network booting), Printers, etc...
  4. B

    Adafruit Floppy

    For those who haven't seen it this interesting project popped up on my radar recently. LadyAda is porting greaseweazle/fluxengine to be Arduino libraries so they can more easily be built with a variety of microcontrollers. Specifically they already have it running on RP2040 hardware. Perhaps...
  5. B

    Open LocalTalk <-> EtherTalk Bridging Possibilities

    One of my "wishlist items" for vintage computing is to have an open LocalTalk/EtherTalk bridge project. Unfortunately I don't have time to work on it myself at the moment but there is some movement worth documenting so someone else can start work on it or I might be able to find it again when it...