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  1. J

    Profile 5Mb restoration

    Thank you! I will try to find replacements for them. I suppose that metallized poliester will be an option.
  2. J

    Profile 5Mb restoration

    Hi and Happy New Year!! I've got as a Christmas present an Apple Profile, the seller told me that it was in perfect working condition but... when I powered it on I got my real present... a RIFA stinky smoke bomb 😓. I am going to start the restoration of the Profile and I am going to replace...
  3. J

    Greetings from Spain

    Hola @masteries, qué alegría leer a otro español por aquí. Wellcome! I am also “starting” playing around and collecting Apple II stuff. Cheers! Saludos desde Jerez.
  4. J

    Is this an Apple II Hard Drive Interface Card?

    That’s a good price although they don’t send to Spain 😰😰. Thanks! Cheers!
  5. J

    Is this an Apple II Hard Drive Interface Card?

    That makes sense, I will have to find one if I want to test it. Thanks a lot for your comments, I have learnt a lot! Cheers!
  6. J

    Is this an Apple II Hard Drive Interface Card?

    I see, hard and expensive. Probably for me, been in Spain, it’s going to be almost impossible. Cheers!
  7. J

    Is this an Apple II Hard Drive Interface Card?

    Hi @retr01 , thank you for the update, it’s an interesting card, and whatching your pcb layout I can see how it has changed through the years. It wold be great to get one of those HD and give it a try😃 Could it be possible to connect any other HD using this card? Cheers!
  8. J

    Is this an Apple II Hard Drive Interface Card?

    Hi, I have recently bought some Apple II cards. One of them is a Corvus Systems (Rev 1) that seems to be a Hard Drive interface card. I don't have a hard drive to test it, but although it has some rework on the backside it looks pretty good. Any comments will be really appreciated...
  9. J

    Hi, from Spain!

    Hi, I am José Luis from Jerez, in the South of Spain. I am a reto computer collector, I have know this site watching the amazing videos of Bruce (@Branchus ). I have been always in love with Commodore and my collection was almost based in this brand, but Bruce's videos has introduced my to...