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  1. winters

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    How am I just noticing this thread now?! As stated above by others, I am very interested in this as well, even if it is to be a beta tester :D
  2. winters

    Lead times on mouser

    Hey all, just a quick question. I am looking to order a few parts to recap an SE analog board and some of the parts say they have a long lead time. When I look further it says potentially Oct-Jan (its the middle of July now for future reference). Have others found these delays to be accurate? If...
  3. winters

    Retro Apple Programmers/Developers Association

    That sounds awesome, my ultimate goal is to eventually start some programming on the 68k Macs. Where do I sign up to get news letters? :)
  4. winters

    Broke metal clip that goes into CRT

    Thanks for the help @retr01 :)
  5. winters

    Broke metal clip that goes into CRT

    I wonder if I took the clip in that first one, spaced it out a little and drilled a small hole for the screw to attach to would work? I do have a spare crt for now so its not a rush or anything but I will want to eventually replace it. If I get really desperate Im sure I could make something :P
  6. winters

    Broke metal clip that goes into CRT

    Luckily no, it fell on the floor.
  7. winters

    Broke metal clip that goes into CRT

    Hey all, so I forget the name so sorry in advanced, but I pulled the suction cup that fits into the crt and when I did, one of the metal prongs that holds it in-place broke off. Where could I order a new one or is there an easy fix? Would this still be usable without one of the clips? This is...
  8. winters

    A battery bombed SE stored in a garage for years

    @retr01 Im currently watching episode 3 (not sure how I missed that it came out almost 2 weeks ago!), and cant wait for episode 4 :D
  9. winters

    [AmigaOfRochester] Customer Feedback

    I used Amiga of Rochester just over a year ago for recapping a Macintosh SE/30. The guy was very nice and walked me through what he was doing, very transparent and reasonably priced. I would highly recommend :)
  10. winters

    Satanic SE/30 Project

    This is so inspiring. I do NOT have half the know how to do anything like this, but just knowing its possible is awesome. Great work!!
  11. winters

    What is the most dependable, long last compact mac?

    Hey all, so just a silly question I was thinking about today, what compact mac would you pick as the most long lasting? From my understanding, before the SE there were no internal fans so the components were more likely to get hot, thus degrade. The SE is decent and doesnt have all the same...
  12. winters

    Mac Plus + RGB2HDMI + Sys6 Progamming + homemade stream? yes please

    Thanks for letting us know about @jcs :) And thanks for the content @jcs! I wish I found you like a year ago when I was looking into some c dev stuff! :D