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  1. B

    Mac Plus internal SCSI PCB released

    I, as a biomedical scientist, *should probably not* be doing such a thing 🤣
  2. B

    Mac Plus internal SCSI PCB released

    I'm really sorry about this, but I'm new to the whole PCB world. I realized that I was missing a couple of files. I just updated the github with all of the required files and zip file that should have all of the required files already added to it, so you should just be able to send the PCB...
  3. B

    Mac Plus internal SCSI PCB released

    It’s a 3 layer board. One of the layers is an internal ground plane.
  4. B

    Mac Plus internal SCSI PCB released

    I designed a little PCB to use a 50 pin SCSI internally in a Mac Plus so that you can have devices like the BlueSCSI installed internally all stealthily. The files for the PCB are all available here: The installation process (not...