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  1. charkes

    LC III - No sound, no video

    I've cleaned the board with vinegar, a toothbrush, distilled water, then alcohol. I tested the continuity of the EGRET chip and Pin 3 did *not* connect to the Y1 crystal, despite it being right there and the trace looking perfect. I added a bodge wire. It chimes! (and reboots with...
  2. charkes

    LC III - No sound, no video

    Pin 15 of the EGRET (U7) is at 5V so that chip is working. (reference: I'll take the advice in that thread and clean the heck out of the board with vinegar and then alcohol.
  3. charkes

    LC III - No sound, no video

    Thanks for the suggestion. I reflowed the solder joints on the ROM sockets and added a bit of solder to each. I also reflowed the solder on every pin on the EGRET chip. Unfortunately, no change.
  4. charkes

    LC III - No sound, no video

    I bought an LC III logic board cheaply, and the seller didn't know if it ran. The fan spins and the three lights on the keyboard flash but there's no chime or video. I've recapped the board and there was very little corrosion. I have soldered in the C22 cap reverse from what the silkscreen says...
  5. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    I received my official 9W Newton adapter today. It's outputting the correct voltage. I plugged it into the eMate, there was a brief flash of the green LED, and then a slight burning smell. I'm able to narrow it down to the power area of the logic board. Lovely! I connected it an eMate I just...
  6. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    Thank you for the offer but I was able to snag one on eBay. If I have need of another one I'll send you a DM.
  7. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    I did email Frank and also found Walt Berger, who used to do eMate battery rebuilds. Walt recommended using a genuine 9W Newton/eMate adapter. I'm biting the bullet and getting one. I'll check out the NewtonTalk mailing list, too.
  8. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    Thank you all for the help. What should I do now in an attempt to find what's causing the problem? Is there a document or video that can get me started on tracking down problems on a logic board? Start checking voltages with the multimeter while it's plugged in? The eMate doesn't seem to be as...
  9. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    Is the junk near C93 an indicator of a leaky cap? I understand that there's flux on the big connectors for the transformer next to it.
  10. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    OK. I'll check those out. I've attached an unobstructed view plus two shots of the other side of the board.
  11. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    When I plug in the adapter the light immediately turns green and then turns off. The adapter is 7.5V DC 2A. I took the battery out first to stop any damage, but I hooked it back up once to test. The light blinks the same way with a battery pack connected.
  12. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    Here's the side of the board that's exposed when the bottom is taken off. I'll need to desolder the speaker and backlight wires again to get the board out.
  13. charkes

    Flashing green light only sign of life

    I've purchased an eMate 300 and its only sign of life is the green light flashing once every 2 seconds. I removed the battery pack (no sign of leakage or damage). I'm using a third-party adapter and the multimeter says it's outputting 7.5v as expected. I then took the eMate apart and the LCD...
  14. charkes

    HyperCard Documentation online

    It's online! As my MARCHintosh2022 project, I've published a beta version of The HyperCard Center, a website hosting web-formatted HyperCard reference docs! I'm working on the HyperTalk Reference stack to start off. This is a work in progress and most of the...