1. C

    6o6: virtualizing the 6502 on the 6502

    This is something I've literally tinkered with for over twenty years, so it's time to clean it up and open source it, along with the Incredible KIMplement 1.0, its original demonstration application (a KIM-1 emulator that runs on a Commodore 64). 6o6 "6502-on-6502" presents a full NMOS 6502 to...
  2. Kai Robinson

    MOS CPU Replacer for C64

    Came across this today - would be ideal for anyone looking to resurrect a dead machine without having to resort to cannibalising the ever decreasing number of working machines out there. https://monotech.fwscart.com/MOS_CPU_Replacer_(65108501)/p6083514_21591072.aspx Technically it'll replace...