
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. C

    Motobike restoration project in the near future (hopefully) :)

    Ok it has been a while since I posted on these forums, I still am working on the powerbook 170, (and other projects). But this is not why I have not come on here today. No. Why I have come on here is to post about a project that I intend to pick up in the coming months and was wondering is...
  2. retr01

    Bike Tinkering Projects

    Hello everyone! :)👋 Tinker Different (TD) should have a category for bikes under the Soap Box. Anyway, I love mountain bikes (MTB). :love:🚵‍♂️ Let's share tinkering projects with MTBs (and other bikes, too)! I came across this video. Wow! Neat tinkering! Cheers!