
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. morgant

    Confirm/identify component knocked off iPod mini logic board

    Hey all, I've been wanting to use my iPod mini again, so disassembled & assessed it this morning. I had originally modded this quite a long time ago, replacing the battery with one from iFixit and replacing the failed(?) drive with an 8GB Transcend compact flash. I had experienced some random...
  2. Androda

    Exabyte Tape Drive Capacitor Plague

    As I just discovered this morning, the Exabyte 8505 tape drive (and likely others in this series such as 8500, 8200, 8205, 8700, 8705) are affected by the leaky SMD capacitor plague. These drives have a vertically mounted power converter section which naturally has leaky capacitors dumping...
  3. mmu_man

    Plagued Capacitor List

    Discord user CJ posted a list there of capacitor series that were found to be leaking, some already mentioned on the badcaps forums, and agreed to have it posted there. Feel free to add more as you find them. Chemi-con - LXF, SXE, SXF, SXG, TXF Elna - RC2S, RC3S, RSE, RSG, RSH NIC Components...
  4. retr01

    PRAM Capacitor to PRAM Battery in the iBook and 12" PowerBook G4 models

    I noticed something with my 12" iBook G4 that I recently picked up. It would keep forgetting the time and date every time I remove the battery. PRAM reset didn't resolve the issue. I discovered that none of the iBooks and the 12" PowerBooks have PRAM batteries. Those have PRAM capacitors...