
  1. Androda

    Comm Slot II 10/100 Ethernet Cards

    This is a stealth project I've been slowly working through for some time now. With Comm Slot II Ethernet cards being hard to come by, and often for high prices, it seemed like a decent target for recreation / re-engineering. My approach here was originally going to be "remake the official...
  2. Macobyte

    RasterOps ColorBoard 264/30 compatible with MicroMac DiiMO 68030 PDS accelerator?

    In my SE/30 I have a MicroMac DiiMO 50MHz 68030 PDS accelerator card with an Asanté MacCon PDS Ethernet card plugged into its PDS pass-through. I recently acquired a RasterOps ColorBoard 264/30 and was intending to swap it in for the MacCon. When I install it on top of the MacCon and turned the...