
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. FlicTheBunny

    3D Printable bracket for mounting a SFX PSU in a Power Mac G4 MDD

    A Thing I designed a while back and finally got around to fitting and testing today.
  2. FlicTheBunny

    Save my Mac Pro 3,1 - PSU failure etc

    Hi, Long story short I bought a Mac Pro 3,1 a while back for very little money and it worked then it didn’t. I chalked it up to bad luck and scrapped it. I bought another one yesterday, with 2 3.2 Quad-cores and 32GB RAM BUT it’s also dead. No fans, no power LED, and no chime. Powers up for...
  3. FlicTheBunny

    netatalk 2.x Shenanigans (Debian 12 ‘bookworm’)

    So, I have been working through building and using netatalk 2.3 on Debian 12 (bookworm) on my Mac mini server. I will share my progress so far and carry on discussions here: So far I have: Successfully cloned out the 2.3 branch, built it and installed it. N.B.: if you are a little confused...
  4. Byte Knight

    Current List of Mac BBS's

    Since I set up CQ II BBS almost 2 years ago now, several new Mac BBS's have popped up (or I just recently discovered them!). Let me know if I've missed any. NAME ADDRESS SOFTWARE Applefritter BBS NovaTerm Captain's Quarters II Mystic BBS...
  5. A

    Mac OS 8.5.1 - Applications recovered on UDF?

    Hi All! I was recommended to join and ask you all by some reddit users and Joe, regarding a SyQuest Disk recovery I had attempted and see if there's any suggests on making this initial recovery work or if I should send them somewhere else. I have a 8.5.1 Mac OS and an external SyQuest disk...
  6. K

    problem with MicroMac accelerator in SE

    I just finished cleaning, recapping, and reassembling an SE. It had a MicroMac MultiSpeed accelerator in it when I got it. The machine boots to the '?' disk without the accelerator installed. With the accelerator installed, I get this: So I'm guessing one of the SIMMs is bad (I think there...
  7. P

    Macintosh Plus 2MB Bluescsi troubles

    Dear Tinkerers, I've recently bought a Bluescsi for my Macintosh Plus. However, Every disk image I could find online for the mac plus was System 7.0 and up. (system 7 and up requires 4MB of ram) My mac plus has only 2mb ram installed. I was able to get it running on 7.5.5 but now I have less...
  8. PowerRCP-G3

    Introducing the Racer Cinema Productions Intel Swamp Years Challenge! (A yearly challenge to use early Intel Macs for most everyday modern tasks)

    Racer Cinema Productions Intel Swamp Years Challenge Hello there and welcome back. The MacYak PowerPC challenge was proven to be a success and, I decided to come up with my own challenge involving Macs that are also nearing obsolescence. For those of you who don’t know, The Swamp Years of...
  9. R

    Dial In Server

    Hello there, I am trying to create a dial in server with one of my old Macs. A local phone line aka a FritzBox is available so that’s no problem. I want to be able to dial in from a PowerBook (or something other) to another Mac wich then shares his Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection via modem...
  10. Kai Robinson

    The Dead Mac Scrolls

    This is essential reading for anyone that has a classic macintosh - download now!
  11. Ron's Computer Videos

    MAC-O-LANTERN Livestream #1 - Classic Macintosh Horror Gaming (For Your Spooky Enjoyment!)

    It's that time of year again... where the days shorten, the nights grow gray and dark, and home improvement stores puts out all their Christmas decorations - seriously, what is up with that?!? Join me on Sunday, October 24th at 8am Central for an evening of ghouls and ghosties as we explore...
  12. Ron's Computer Videos

    Upcoming Q&A and BlueSCSI Giveaway! (Wednesday, October 27th at 8pm Central)

    Configuring a BlueSCSI for use with a classic Mac WITHOUT having a second classic Mac to lean on is lot easier than you might think. It's even easier when the creator of BlueSCSI, Eric Helgeson has agreed to give away one BlueSCSI to one lucky viewer at a Q&A /...