mac iici

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  1. JDW

    PINOUT DIAGRAM for SE/30 PDS Slot & Mac IIci Cache Slot

    I created this side-by-side pinout diagram back when I accidentally connected my Daystar Turbo040 accelerator (intended for a Cache Slot) into the PDS pass-thru slot of my TS Adapter, installed in my SE/30. That resulted in one of the ASICs getting fried on the Turbo040 (it was later repaired...
  2. JDW

    Overlocked Turbo040 in Macintosh IIci, 400K & 800K floppies don't work

    I wish to thank David Cook for his excellent post over at the 68kMLA, as that served as my inspiration for overclocking the Daystar Turbo040 in my Mac IIci. Overclocking is done by a mere XTAL swap. (And the Hakko FR-301 desoldering gun makes the job easy, I must say.) Because David was able...