macintosh lc

  1. geokov

    C7 capacitor blew in my LC. What does it affect?

    Hello all, I am new to this forum and also to vintage Mac ownership. I purchased a "re-capped" LC for a song but upon opening it I discovered that capacitor C7 had already blown up (it was soldered in upside down). I had a look at the schematics for the LC and I think I have narrowed it down to...
  2. tripolar

    LCII freezing when my printer cable is plugged in

    Hi everyone! I have an LCII connected to a Stylewriter 1200 but there's a problem. If the cable is plugged in to the LCII when I power the machine on, I get a question mark and the OS doesn't load. If the cable is only plugged into the LCII and not into the printer, same deal. If I allow the...