macintosh system software

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. C

    Powerbook 170 battery rebuild. Guidance needed.

    Hi all I am currently still on the journey to restoring a powerbook 170 that I can use for retro/vintage mac shenanigans. Currently I have done the following: Bought a powerbook 170. Tested it out. Cleaned it. Did a complete teardown. Worked on repairs. Did some plastic welding, and super...
  2. retr01

    68k Mac HTTP Disk

    Hello everyone! :)👋 I came across a page discussing "Cloud 7," which involves mounting a folder as drive access over HTTP. It is explained by bbraun at: Has anyone tried this? Thoughts? Would this be easier than an AS server over IP or FTP...
  3. Powerbook97

    Apple Macintosh System Software

    Something very nostalgic when you picked up the box of opportunity and dreams when purchasing software in the days past .... here are some of the back of the boxes that I have from my days … would love to see the others that I don’t have :)