macintosh tv

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  1. wottle

    Macintosh TV C195 pad ripped off

    I was replacing the last capacitor on my Mac TV logic board (C195) and because it was a larger one, I tried to desolder it instead of using my usual push and twist method. Turns out there was a decent amount of leakage under the cap and the pad ripped clean off. The other one lifted a bit, but...
  2. wottle

    Macintosh TV remote options

    I recently bought a Mac TV, but it was missing some accessories. One missing accessory was the remote control. I looked on eBay, but was unable to find any listings, and the original remote, a small accessory that came with a Mac that barely sold, is going to be tough to come by. Fortunately...
  3. wottle

    Macintosh TV Accessories Paint Color

    As you maybe could see in my other post, I recently picked up a Mac TV (one of my holy grail items), however it was missing a few accessories, namely the mouse, and the keyboard's ADB cable. Unfortunately, the black ADB accessories can be very expensive on eBay, and rarely come up for sale...
  4. wottle

    Macintosh TV CRT replacement

    I recently picked up a non-working Macintosh TV that is not in the best shape. I'm hoping a good cleaning will restore the black plastic to a respectable condition. However, the CRT has a scratch on it, and I'm wondering if the 14" Trinitron is shared with other LC / Performa models. I have...