
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Mu0n

    my programmatic MIDI progress in C, recap of last 7 months

    MIDI has been on my mind since at least May of 2024. Here's a recap of the timeline of things I've accomplished: Why am I doing all this? -Fun programming challenge -A very potent path to add rich music to game programming; no need to invent a format, piggy-back on this well-established one...
  2. jho

    Floppy Failure Help

    Hi Friends! I recently acquired a complete set of Opcode Vision 2.0.3 MIDI software from eBay; 3 disks and the manual! Unfortunately, after installing all 3 disks, it won’t read disk 1 anymore to authorize the computer for permanent use. I think maybe ten minutes passed between using disks...
  3. Mu0n

    MIDI Selector boards

    I used EasyEDA to design a small board that takes in a number* of MIDI producing devices (Mac, PC, Atari ST, F256K2, keyboard controller, keytar, etc) and pairs exactly one of those to another device among a number* of MIDI consuming devices (sound canvas, MT-32, modules, another computer with...
  4. Mu0n

    MIDI out setter for Modern Windows

    Original link to the utility here: https://www.codeproject.com/articles/36315/midi-out-setter You're running Windows beyond Vista? You miss being able to set the MIDI mapper output like we used to nearly 17 years ago? If you can't, you're stuck with the software rendering of MIDI that is by...
  5. retr01

    Game Socket in Apple II series

    Hello everyone! :)👋 I noticed on the Apple IIGS logic board (ROM 0, 1, and 3) that there is a white socket labeled "Game" at J21 (ROM 1, it may be a different location for ROM 0 and 3 boards). I understand that it is there to plug in paddles like in the earlier days of the Apple II and II...