
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. splorp

    Global Newton Users Meetup #15

    Another month means another Global Newton Users Meetup (GNUM) is in the works! Global Newton Users Meetup #15 Saturday, May 18th 2024, 17:00 UTC Join us on Zoom for a casual, online get-together for fans, aficionados, developers, and collectors of Apple’s Newton platform. Details on the...
  2. splorp

    Global Newton Users Meetup #14

    A new month means yet another Global Newton Users Meetup (GNUM) is in the works! (Yes, I realize that it’s only been a week since the last one.) Global Newton Users Meetup #14 Saturday, April 6th 2024, 17:00 UTC Join us on Zoom for a casual, online get-together for fans, aficionados...
  3. splorp

    Global Newton Users Meetup #13

    The first Global Newton Users Meetup (GNUM) of 2024 is just around the corner. Global Newton Users Meetup #13 Saturday, March 30th 2024, 17:00 UTC Join us on Zoom for a casual, online get-together for fans, aficionados, developers, and collectors of Apple’s Newton platform. Details on the...
  4. splorp

    Global Newton Users Meetup #12

    This month’s Global Newton Users Meetup (GNUM) is just around the corner. Global Newton Users Meetup #12 Saturday, October 21st 2023, 17:00 UTC Join us on Zoom for a casual, online get-together for fans, aficionados, developers, and collectors of Apple’s Newton platform. Details here: [NTLK]...
  5. chuma

    eMate 300 / N2 Platform memory initialization

    So the general question being asked here was "how does the system know how much DRAM is available?" There is generally available documentation that leads to the answer. First, we know how to add a new ROM Extension (REx) to patch the OS, thanks to the ROM Board Designer's Guide. RExes...
  6. retr01

    Einstein, the NewtonOS Emulator

    So, I learned from @Androda that there is a NewtonOs Emulator called Einstein: Has anyone used it? Any thoughts and impressions? Was it challenging to install since there is no installer?