
  1. retr01

    Apple IIe Card Owner's Guide

    The Apple IIe Card lets you run Apple IIe programs on a Macintosh LC or another Mac with compatible PDS. Once you've set a few options in the card's Options Panel, turning the Macintosh into an Apple Ile is as simple as double-clicking an icon on the Macintosh desktop. While in the Apple IIe...
  2. retr01

    Another dual PDS Adapter for SE/30? 🤔 (PDS only, no cache connector)

    I was browsing through buyee.jp, and this caught my eye: https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/w1053871353?conversionType=service_page_search It is another dual PDS adapter for the SE/30, not by Artmix nor Bolle. Pricing hovers around $93 USD. @Kay K.M.Mods, can you look that up and let us know...
  3. Macobyte

    RasterOps ColorBoard 264/30 compatible with MicroMac DiiMO 68030 PDS accelerator?

    In my SE/30 I have a MicroMac DiiMO 50MHz 68030 PDS accelerator card with an Asanté MacCon PDS Ethernet card plugged into its PDS pass-through. I recently acquired a RasterOps ColorBoard 264/30 and was intending to swap it in for the MacCon. When I install it on top of the MacCon and turned the...