powermac g3

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. wottle

    The black Mac no one asked for (Powermac G3 All-In-One Molar)

    So, I had picked up a pair of G3 AIO machines recently. Unfortunately on one the right side of the case was badly scratched with terrible black marks. On the other, the left panel had damage. So I took the two good sides, retro-brighted them and took the best internal parts and made a good stock...
  2. Astal

    G3 in a G4 (Mad Science Project Thread)

    Well I did a small project here... I started with my G4 DA 466 board with a 7400 on it. I removed the CPU and I cleaned the pads... I got in a PowerPC 750S yesterday night, so I decided to work on getting that installed on the G4 board Everything looks great! I install the board and nothing...
  3. wottle

    Custom resolutions on PowerMac G3/G4 in OS X / 9

    I have a collection of PowerMacs (a couple G3 B&W, and a handful of different types of G4s). I'm trying to set them up with VGA out to a KVM, with the video going to a custom LCD I had from another project that will slide out from under the desk. This will allow me to display my vintage Macs...