quadra 700

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  1. champagneandchips

    Quadra 700 & PPC 8.5 Enabler Issues

    I added a Sonnet PPC card to a Quadra 700 and am now struggling with the MacOS 8.5 installation. The 8.5 system is installed, and I'm trying to follow the post installation instructions which require two files from a startup floppy that came with the card to be dragged onto the hard drive, after...
  2. jack 68k

    Replacement headphone jack for Macintosh IIci and similar logic boards

    I'm looking for a replacement for the white plastic + metal headphone jack found on most Macintosh II series and related logic boards. I've not made an exhaustive list, but I believe it is found on Macintosh II revision B, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIfx, and Quadra 700 logic boards. Unfortunately, I have...