
  1. Stinkerton18

    Adaptec SCSI card DOS driver woes (mini-rant)

    This is a bit more of a mini-rant at the rather abhorrent state and experiences I've had with the real mode drivers for Adaptec's older, non-PCI cards. Comments/suggestions are of course welcomed, more wanting to share my experiences in hopes that maybe I can spare someone else this same pain...
  2. wottle

    BeOS Install

    So, I recently learned that the TAM (Twentieth Anniversary Mac) can run BeOS. The person who was running it said you can run BeOS Pro on the TAM, so I figured I'd give it a go. Well, similar to my challenging experience getting it installed on my PowerMac 6400, I struggled a bit and figured it...
  3. rjkucia

    Corrupted HDD Image With Bad SCSI Cable

    Hey all, I've been using a RaSCSI with my SE/30, which worked great until I bought a cheap SCSI cable on Amazon and tried to use it. I apparently upset the SCSI gods and goddesses and now my main boot image won't load. When I try to mount it from another boot disk, it tells me the disk is...
  4. landogriffin

    RaSCSI Version 21.10 Is released!!

    RaSCSI version 21.10 is now available on Github!! I'll also be uploading a "Raspberry Pi OS Lite" image that you can directly load onto an SD card with everything ready to go.