
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. BullyFreeBear

    Macintosh IIsi, Recapped, quite chime, no display.

    I had recently gotten a Macintosh IIsi that didn't have any signs of life. I've gone through it and recapped a fair amount of the power supply and tested the voltages, I was getting a solid +12.3 +5.4 -12.3. The machine powered up but no display or chime, I thought nothing more then it just...
  2. IBM Heretic

    Apple Keyboard M0116 recap

    Hello all, I apologize if this has been covered, I did search but was unable to find any information here, other forums, or YouTube videos (some even claiming "full restoration"). I am beginning the process of a restoration on the Apple Keyboard m0116, and I've identified two capacitors to be...
  3. B

    Cap list for Astec AA16870

    Greetings all. I recently got a Q700 case with the motherboard and the PSU from a Quadra 650. The caps in the PSU looked really toasted from a hard life with a million hours in at least soft-power-"on". I couldn't find a parts list for the caps in this specific one, so I thought I'd do the...
  4. wottle

    Color Classic Analog Board removal

    Anyone else have extreme difficulty removing the Color Classic analog board after all cables have been removed. I watched @Branchus' video on the removal and his slides right out. Is it possible the edge connectors are fused somehow. I've used a good amount of force and cannot get it to...
  5. Mac84

    PowerBook 5300cs Color LCD Recapping Guide (for Torisan model displays)

    I have two PowerBook 5300 / 5300cs series machines and sadly they are both not in the best shape. While trying to fix them up I removed the LCD screen and took note of the capacitors to make this guide. The PowerBook 5300 series shpped with a few different LCD panels, but even similar models may...
  6. reallyrandy

    TDK LCII PSU recap issue, ticking. Doh!… Nevermind

    I didn't realize it had to be plugged into the board or it ticks! I plugged it in, it seems to work! I just recapped my other LCII PSU, a TDK this time. It was completely dead. Now it ticks in triplets (123-123-123, etc.). It's very faint and sounds as though it may be coming from the...
  7. eric

    Compact Mac Caps List

    Logic Boards: Cap Values -> 1µf - 50V SMD 10µf - 16V SMD 47µf - 16V SMD 100µf - 6.3V SMD 220µf - 16V - Axial 470µf - 16V - Axial Guides Mouser -> ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Digikey -> ? ? ? ? ? ? SE/30 1 10 1 1 RecapAMac MacCaps Console5 Classic 1 7 RecapAMac MacCaps...
  8. Mr. Fahrenheit

    My PowerMac 7100/80 AV Recap Project

    I picked up a Power Macintosh 7100/80 AV with the AV video in/out card a few months ago. Last night I decided to tackle this behemoth. The logic board has 25x 47uf 16v caps, and one 100uf 6v cap. The video card has 13x 47uf 16v caps. Overall not a bad nights work but quite overwhelming if you...