
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Y

    Issues with Apple //c and SP][SD Device

    Hello, I am excited to be a part of this community! I am a student studying CS with an interest in older hardware. Here's my current setup: -Apple //C USB-C power adapter -Recently replaced RAM (texas instruments) -ROM 4x upgrade -SP][SD device I have ran the RAM test included in the ROM 4x...
  2. FlicTheBunny

    Need an Assist with a Quadro FX 4500

    Hi, I made a boo-boo. I tried to flash a supposedly compatible Mac ROM onto a Nvidia Quadro FX 4500 card to use in a G5 PCIe model. It didn't work and now the card is bricked. Does anyone in the UK have the equipment and skills to lift the ROM off the PCB and refresh it. It's an Atmel...
  3. K

    DaynaFile ROM dump v4.1

  4. K

    MicroMac MultiSpeed accelerator ROM dump v3.1

  5. I

    Need someone to make rom

    I recently have gotten a Macintosh LC III, the rom on it was bad and did not work, I need someone to make me new rom because I can't find any rom for it online.
  6. W

    ROM Needed

    After many days work and a hunch that the rom on the IIvi is bad, I can confirm it is. I removed it and took the rom from a working board and soldered it on the non-working board and guess what? Booted up and worked fine. Now I am in the hunt for a IIvi, IIvx or P600 rom to save this IIvi. If...
  7. AlexCL

    Macintosh SE FDHD ROM Disassembly and Documentation

    Greetings, Attached is a disassembly of the Macintosh SE FDHD ROM from within vMac by the FDisasm application using the configuration files for the Macintosh SE. I made GitHub repository for updating the listing and commenting on the ROM. The source...