
  1. F

    [Help] Closing SE/30 Case

    Hello, I'm looking for advice on closing my SE/30 case. The bottom of the case near the ports is OK, but the top of the case above the monitor just won't fit together. I've tried repositioning the motherboard and even closing it without the RF shield to ensure that's not obstructing it, but to...
  2. blackdogvintagecomputers

    Need schematics for IIci, SE30 and Portable

    I need schematics or matrix's I have seen used by many of you to troubleshoot broken traces. I have a IIci that gives sad Mac, portable with non-working SCSI and SE30 crashes on making sound. Any info to help troubleshoot these issues is appreciated Roger
  3. B

    SE/30 sound issue

    Hi, I noticed that my Mac SE/30 doesn't play any sound. Here are the tests I carried: Checked the control panel to set the volume to max Managed to get the built-in speaker to work when connecting it to a different Mac SE When I use the audio output by connecting speakers or headphones, I can...
  4. flufflepuck

    ROM Upgrade and BlueSCSI on SE/30: Difficulties and Progress

    Hello! First post, pleased to meet you. I am the caretaker of a Macintosh SE/30 from 1989, and a lovely girl she is. Next time I have hand surgery (uh... tomorrow actually), I am blocking eBay on my router, because I have low impulse control when bored and on pain meds. Petey (Pencil Test, or...
  5. eric

    SE/30 Reloaded - Lets build it!

    I recently went in on a group order with @rdmark of @Bolle's SE/30 Reloaded board, in purple. Here's the donor board along with the new. As you can see the bombed area is pretty bombed... but it seems like the important chips survived. Here's my first look over for replacements I need and a...