
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. adfrost81

    AEKII Board Repair

    So I picked up a used and non-functioning AEKII for $20 at Free Geek in the Twin Cities, thinking it could be fun little repair project. Worst case, I ruin it, and it becomes a parts board, retrobright practice piece or maybe I get a replacement PCB. The main symptom is that all three lights...
  2. X

    eMac USB 2.0 Board-level Repair

    I had an eMac with an 820-1798a board, which worked great...until the flyback blew. It was a good board, and overclocked well. I had it booting as a headless eMac following lbodnar's site. Note that later developments meant that the downconverter isn't strictly required, but I had it set up...
  3. mmu_man

    Tales of a poor battery-bombed SIS-471-G 486 motherboard…

    Two weeks ago I took this 486 away from its 25 years sleep at my mum's attic… It was quite well stored and covered, except little did I know back then about Varta, Destroyer of Worlds. I then spent way too much time cleaning it, removing components… checking and fixing traces…...
  4. Redsward

    Recapping insulation around other components tip.

    So I have been recapping my old macs and some gaming consoles following Bruce Rayne’s amazing videos ! For some time in soldering jobs I have been using : Ceramic Fiber Insulation Blanket Paper Sheet for Wood Stoves/Inserts 610×300×1mm to protect heat sensitive components around the components...
  5. B

    Motherboard Capacitors

    I have a late 90s/early 2000s motherboard that has bad capacitors. The board currently has standard Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors. Since I have to replace them, I'd like to use equivalent modern Aluminium Polymer Capacitors instead. Is this possible? I have attached a picture of the...