steve jobs

  1. JDW

    Most of Macintosh 128K's logic board was almost an ASIC!

    While digging up info on the LSI LOGIC chip used on the Apple IIe Card, I came across a book about LSI which provided some very interest historical info I had never read anywhere else. Amazing what could have been! One day Doug came in with a copy of EE Times. It had a photo of Steve Jobs and...
  2. JDW

    NHK Video: Steve Jobs love of Japanese Art

    My friend, Kay Koba, posted a link to this insanely great video today on FaceBook, and after watching it this evening, I had to repost the link here on TD... It will be available for watching until September this year. A very...
  3. JDW

    Johny I've reflections on Steve Jobs (Oct. 2021)

    I came across this Wall Street Journal article by Johnny Ive today. I appreciated the warm sentiments Ive shared. I have always thought of Steve Jobs as a man greatly misunderstood, perhaps inspired by the fact I myself am often misunderstood. I sometimes say or write in a deliberately...