October 7 2023 Board Meeting
Bruce (Branchus), Christian (fogWraith), Jacob (Androda), Eric (eric), Justin (jdmcs)Absent:
Kai Robinson, Josh (Drake), Ron (Ron’s Computer Videos)Agenda:
Item 1:
Access Control Considerations
- A Moderator had been granted more permissions than necessary
- Restore proper access level (already completed, was done during the meeting)
Item 2:
Board Member And Infrastructure Staff Questions
- The positions held by Eric and Christian are fairly sensitive, involving access to the whole system and direct access to Tinker Different finances
- We need policies on how these positions work when transitioning to a new Board
- Justin and Eric to draft policies for these "Infrastructure" positions and how they work
Item 3:
Should we remove the Vendor section?
- There's still concern about the Vendor section feeling like a direct endorsement of the listed vendors
- There are also concerns about redundancy, given that we have threads where people post their hardware and software projects already
- Some Board members feel this section is more trouble than it's worth
- Announce the closure of the Vendor section, with enough forewarning to allow existing Vendors to move existing threads to an appropriate alternate section