Hello everyone I don't know if most of you have heard of the Apple C.A.T. Diagnostic Tool, it was issued form Apple in the mid to late 80's and was used to diagnose and fix computers such as the Macintosh Portable, 128k, 512k(e), Plus, SE, SE/30, ii, iix, iicx, and iici (there may be more I am unaware of). This was the precursor to the Apple TechStep. This is an awesome tool, the two cards you see are the SCSI LoopBack (most of you may be familiar with this card) and the Macintosh II Master Card (hadn't heard too much of this), the Macintosh II Master Card is to be used with the Macintosh II family/lineup and of course I had to save that ROM image which I've included below for you all. I've attached some photos of what all is included and any comments, suggestions, or feedback is greatly appreciated. I want to also give a huge thank you to @Jockelill for finding this and working out a great little transaction, he has also uploaded the Floppy images to Macintosh Repository (LINK HERE) and was also kind enough to scan all of the paperwork (LINK HERE) that came with this kit.
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