Apple Lisa 1-2 Hybrid Bezel

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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
I don't own a LISA, but if I did, I would absolutely want the original LISA badge. It is a LISA, after all, which is true even if it is a later model that can run MacWorks. The LISA badge is a big part of the charm, which was later lost when it was slowly transformed into a "larger Mac".

I see you really did a lovely job, Mark!


Clear is pretty interesting as well, I must say!


Way back in 1984, when my Dad was given the opportunity to either take a cash bonus or "the new computer from Apple," my Dad chose the latter. But I vividly recall that my Dad and I visited a local computer store in Fresno, CA, and there was the 128K Mac and the LISA on display. I remember that day because when my Dad was looking at the Mac, I pointed to the larger one and asked, "how is this different?" He pulled me back to the Mac and said something along the lines of: "We don't need to be thinking about that." I suspect he spotted the price tag on the LISA, which 13-year-old me at the time didn't. I was just spying the tech. It was so much larger than the Mac, and not just the CRT either, that I figured it offered something more than the Mac did. And in many ways, the LISA did offer more, albeit for a significantly higher price.

In the end, my Dad made the right buy going with the Mac. But I've always wondered how differently things would have turned out if our first home computer was a LISA!

Thanks for all you do for the community, Mark!


Active Tinkerer
Apr 1, 2022
Bermuda Triangle, NC USA
I love it, but the front bezel is the only Lisa component in the collection. But a version of that bezel with a single TwiggySlot replacing the Sony slot would have me hard pressed to resist it.

Such optical drive compatibility for clear SE/30 coupled with printed Twiggy enclosure would be killer! 128K TwiggyMac bezel would be insanely great!