Benchmark Suggestions Needed!


TinkerDifferent Board DoP&G
Staff member
Oct 28, 2021
Central Virginia
I have motherboards, processors, graphics cards, and sound cards. I even see how current YouTube creators are currently trying to show how these items compare against others... which is why I would like to know of benchmarks and applications you wish other YouTubers used for their comparisons, but don't. Examples:
  • I know of canyon.mid, but is there a better MIDI reference out there?
  • is there a vintage benchmark application others forget about?
  • Is there something more basic you wish YouTubers pointed out about vintage hardware, for example: these [Windows 3.1/95/98/98SE/ME] operating systems have drivers built-in, or the like?
  • Or do you just like to watch the process no matter what the combination is?
I'll use any feedback to try to differentiate my reviews from the ones you can currently find on YouTube.