BlueSCSI 1.1a Macintosh LC Bracket


Active Tinkerer
Oct 18, 2021
I am excited to release a new printed part!

If you are missing the metal hard drive bracket for your Macintosh LC-series computer, this bracket mounts your BlueSCSI 1.1a in your vintage Macintosh LC-series computer's hard drive bay!


If you have the stock metal bracket, then my standard Macintosh Hard Drive Bay Bracket is recommended. It takes less time to print, mounts in the metal bracket, and will keep your vintage Macintosh more stock.

This bracket should be compatible with the Macintosh LC, LCII, LCIII, LC475, LC476, and Quadra 605. I have tested in my Macintosh LCII, LCIII, Performa 475, and Performa 476.



As always, you're welcome to download the model and print one for yourself! If you don't have access to a printer, then they're available for purchase on my Etsy shop.

A note about the licensing: this is posted with a non-commercial, no derivatives license. Please don't post modified versions of the model. Thanks!