Have you been following the Commander X-16 saga by David Murray? Or the Commodore-65? These are 2 modern-day reimagined 8-bit computers with modern bells and whistles, with the goal of being more performing than their historical inspirations, while still attempting to capture the age of personal computing discovery that the 80's brought to the masses (still a minority of people in the general population!).
Enter the Foenix 256 ECOSYSTEM, designed by Stefany Allaire, a silicon valley computer architecture engineer who has been working on several machines (some already defunct, some being sold now, some pending) using a slew of processors: WDC65C02, MC68040V, 6809
If you're like TL;DR, then immediately check out this 3-player game demo from one leading programming star Norman Yen, who is showcasing many abilities of the current flagship machine that is buyable now:
I've been following this on and off for a few years before I decided to take the plunge and ordered a unit, set to be shipped to me in a few weeks from now (full disclosure!).
Some dust has settled and the massive effort has coalesced more or less on a few machines for now:
The modern-day 6502 8-bit platforms (think of it as a mutant turbo charged "C64-like" machines)
The K actually is planned to have more advanced audio options with an OPL3
Substantially more expensive but look at what it looks like (this was my purchase back in December).
there's a 2nd sales run right now from April 15h to end of May. I'm not affiliated with them, I just find the design and general idea of it really neat and I'd rather fiddle away in assembly for this machine rather than a stock C64. The sales are in limited runs and may ramp up or down depending on what's happening. The Jr will keep selling from what I understand.
(both of these machines shown at VCFEast 2023)
On hold:
there are Amiga-like machines with modern 68040 processors that make a bit less sense and/or appeal less to me, some people have the A2560K on hand and are plugging away with them, trying to make content for it. I'm not sure of the exact state of all their efforts, but I definitely know that by mid 2022 up to today, the energy has been concentrating a LOT more on the 256Jr and 256K. Check out the details here if you like:
I've just started to dip my toes into trying out the emulation for the 256Jr but it's still early days and the most accurate, most up to date information is hard to get all in one sitting session.
There's a junior-emulator meant for using superbasic or running compiled asm .hex files that's supposed to target the 256Jr directly, but I haven't had any luck with it so far (more my fault than anything, other people report using it just fine).
There's a C256 Foenix Emulator that targeted an earlierabandoned ancestor ***
****(Technically the C256 lineup isn't abandoned (one could argue that it even will get a new member with the Gen X) and the U is technically still "on hold" because atm the production doesn't make much sense with the current prices for the FPGA used in it.)
to the F256Jr, but that still runsa compatible architecture/software basis. ***
***the F256 lineup is not compatible with the C256. Neither the architecture nor the software. It is possible to rewrite programs so they run on the F256.
The F256 currently features certain vicky features that aren't present in any other product lineup, but also is more limited in other regards
(vicky = graphics capability FPGA chip)
The last commits on github are dated in early 2022, simply because its dev has been busy with life. It has just been forked by someone else just yesterday who had many improvements in mind. I've been able to compile ASM code for it just fine and the memory map window and cpu tracing/monitor capabilities are *CHEFF KISS*
edit - a few corrections from more seasoned veterans of the ecosystem have been marked in Italicized BOLD.
Enter the Foenix 256 ECOSYSTEM, designed by Stefany Allaire, a silicon valley computer architecture engineer who has been working on several machines (some already defunct, some being sold now, some pending) using a slew of processors: WDC65C02, MC68040V, 6809
If you're like TL;DR, then immediately check out this 3-player game demo from one leading programming star Norman Yen, who is showcasing many abilities of the current flagship machine that is buyable now:

Home - Foenix Retro Systems
Foenix Retro Systems is a provider of "new" retro systems. Either based off the WDC65C816 or 32bits CPUs like the MC68EC030 or i486DX2-66.

I've been following this on and off for a few years before I decided to take the plunge and ordered a unit, set to be shipped to me in a few weeks from now (full disclosure!).
Some dust has settled and the massive effort has coalesced more or less on a few machines for now:
The modern-day 6502 8-bit platforms (think of it as a mutant turbo charged "C64-like" machines)
The Foenix 256 Junior (F256Jr)
is a low-cost, develop-and-play-on-it-NOW single-board computer, bring your own ps/2 keyboard, BYO ATX power supply, connect NES/SNES controllers (optional), FPGA for video, PSG SN76489 for audio, BYO optional dual SID chips as well, IEC for connecting a disk drive or else.The Foenix 256K (F256K)
is MOSTLY the same, but comes with its case-with-keyboard as was popular with the C64, amiga of Olde Times. 100% compatible with the F256Jr.The K actually is planned to have more advanced audio options with an OPL3
Substantially more expensive but look at what it looks like (this was my purchase back in December).
there's a 2nd sales run right now from April 15h to end of May. I'm not affiliated with them, I just find the design and general idea of it really neat and I'd rather fiddle away in assembly for this machine rather than a stock C64. The sales are in limited runs and may ramp up or down depending on what's happening. The Jr will keep selling from what I understand.
(both of these machines shown at VCFEast 2023)
On hold:
there are Amiga-like machines with modern 68040 processors that make a bit less sense and/or appeal less to me, some people have the A2560K on hand and are plugging away with them, trying to make content for it. I'm not sure of the exact state of all their efforts, but I definitely know that by mid 2022 up to today, the energy has been concentrating a LOT more on the 256Jr and 256K. Check out the details here if you like:
C256 Foenix Wiki
I've just started to dip my toes into trying out the emulation for the 256Jr but it's still early days and the most accurate, most up to date information is hard to get all in one sitting session.
There's a junior-emulator meant for using superbasic or running compiled asm .hex files that's supposed to target the 256Jr directly, but I haven't had any luck with it so far (more my fault than anything, other people report using it just fine).
There's a C256 Foenix Emulator that targeted an earlier
****(Technically the C256 lineup isn't abandoned (one could argue that it even will get a new member with the Gen X) and the U is technically still "on hold" because atm the production doesn't make much sense with the current prices for the FPGA used in it.)
to the F256Jr, but that still runs
***the F256 lineup is not compatible with the C256. Neither the architecture nor the software. It is possible to rewrite programs so they run on the F256.
The F256 currently features certain vicky features that aren't present in any other product lineup, but also is more limited in other regards
(vicky = graphics capability FPGA chip)
The last commits on github are dated in early 2022, simply because its dev has been busy with life. It has just been forked by someone else just yesterday who had many improvements in mind. I've been able to compile ASM code for it just fine and the memory map window and cpu tracing/monitor capabilities are *CHEFF KISS*
edit - a few corrections from more seasoned veterans of the ecosystem have been marked in Italicized BOLD.
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