I recently remodeled my garage where I restore vintage Macs. The outlet circuits are GCFI at the panel by code. they’ve mostly worked fine but yesterday I plugged in a Lisa which works fine on other circuits but trips the new circuits in the garage immediately.
I’m guessing this is because the PSU might be a bit wobbly despite having all new caps. Perhaps it flubs just enough to provide GFCI feedback that something’s wrong.
I figure a power conditioner / battery backup would act as a buffer and solve the problem but am curious of you all have experienced anything similar and what you did to resolve it.
I’m guessing this is because the PSU might be a bit wobbly despite having all new caps. Perhaps it flubs just enough to provide GFCI feedback that something’s wrong.
I figure a power conditioner / battery backup would act as a buffer and solve the problem but am curious of you all have experienced anything similar and what you did to resolve it.